Marilyn's family got together for a Hooper Reunion.

Thanksgiving 2001

Fred Peters, Sally and Loren Hooper, David Hooper, Jackie and Jeff Zank, Linda Peters. Lower: Hadley Hooper, Marilyn with Matthew, Dave Weil.

We are wearing our official 2001 reunion T-shirts, featuring a Hooper Crest, and LasVegas icons, including the sun.

Above is the dining table with Hadleys turkey placecards.

We also celebrated David H's birthday, which was a few days before.


Hadley and Matt blowing bubbles on our patio.

Loren and Sally.

Marilyn, Matt, and Jeff.

Here Hadley is turning her dad into a hippy by doing weird things to his hair while he sleeps.

For photos of the Las Vegas Strip and Hoover Dam, see the Las Vegas page.

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